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Tiger Spring Park

Updated: Feb 6

None of the photos were taken by me, I downloaded them from

Tiger Spring Park (虎跑公园) is a lush green getaway with the pavilions, ponds and stone statues. Among other things, the area is famous for the natural spring known as Dreaming of Tiger Spring (虎跑泉). The spring water has a sweet and mellow taste. It is packed with health benefits, which according to probably provided grounds for the local belief that it has magical powers. Longjing tea brewed in Hupao spring water is a "match made in heaven".

One of the most famous Buddhist monks of all times, Ji Gong (济公) was buried here, at Ji Gong Pagoda (济公塔院). Once expelled from the Temple of the Soul Retreat, for openly drinking alcohol and eating meat, this monk, thanks to his kind heart and bravery eventually ended up as a deity. He is now officially included in Taoist and Chinese Buddhist pantheon. Read his story here.

Tiger Spring Park is also a place of Li Shutong (李叔同), also known as Master Hongyi (弘一) Memorial Hall (李叔同纪念馆). The hall records his extraordinary life, his paintings, calligraphy, music, and poems. Li Shutong was the first Chinese educator to use nude models in his painting classes, as well as first teacher of Western music in China. After a 21-day fast at a temple in Hangzhou, he started contemplating an idea of devoting his life to Buddhism. A year later he chose to be ordained as a monk. You can read more about him here.


Light blue stars mark places around Tiger Spring Park mentioned above.

I also added places where you can have lunch in the surrounding area or

a coffee and a cake.

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